
A car travels 240 km in 4 hours. How long does it take the same car to travel 480 km?

Collected in the board: Ratio and Proportion

Steven Zheng posted 59 minutes ago

Answer 1

We can set up a proportion to find out how long it takes the car to travel 480 km:

240 km / 4 hours = 480 km / x hours

Simplifying the equation, we get:

x hours = (480 km * 4 hours) / 240 km

x hours = 8 hours

Therefore, it takes the same car 8 hours to travel 480 km.

Steven Zheng posted 58 minutes ago

Answer 2

Unit Rate

We can also use the unit rate of distance traveled per hour to find out how long it takes the car to travel 480 km. The unit rate is:

240 km / 4 hours = 60 km per hour

Therefore, it takes the car 8 hours to travel 480 km because 60 km per hour * 8 hours = 480 km.

Steven Zheng posted 57 minutes ago

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