Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

If a,x,y are real numbers such that a^2+(4+i)a+2xy+(x-y)i=0, then the trajectory of (x,y) represents a

  1. ×

    a line

  2. ×

    a circle centered at origin

  3. a circle centered not at origin

  4. ×

    an ellipse

Collected in the board: Imaginary number

Steven Zheng posted 1 year ago


  1. Given the equation


    Rearrange by real and imaginary parts

    a^2+4a+2xy+( a+x-y)i=0

    To make the equation equal, we get the following two equations




    Then we get

    a =y-x

    Substitute (3) to (1)


    Expand brackts and simplify


    Add 8 on both sides and apply perfect square identity

    (x-2)^2+(y+2)^2 = 8

    which shows the trajectory of (x,y) represents a circle centered at point (2,-2).

    So C is the correct choice.

Steven Zheng posted 1 year ago

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