
If a, b are real numbers, find the minimum value of


Collected in the board: Quadratic function

Steven Zheng posted 4 months ago

Answer 1


A = a^2+ab+b^2-a-2b

Rearrange the equation to the one in terms of a

a^2+(b-1)a+b^2-2b-A = 0

Then, the discriminant

\Delta = (b-1)^2 - 4(b^2-2b-A) \geq 0

3b^2-6b-4A-1\leq 0

Since f(x) = 3x^2-6x-4A-1 opens upwards, the vertex coordinates must be below origin if satisfying (1).

Then using the vertex formula for y coordinate

\Big( \dfrac{-b}{2a},\dfrac{4ac-b^2}{4a} \Big)

\dfrac{4\cdot 3(-4A-1)-(-6)^2 }{4\cdot 3 } \leq 0

Solving the inequality yields

A\geq -1

Substituting to (2) results in the equation

3b^2-6b-4(-1)-1= 0

b^2-2b+1 = 0

b =1

Substitute (3) and (4) to (1), we get

a = 0


The minimum value of a^2+ab+b^2-a-2b is 1 when a=0 and b=1

Steven Zheng posted 4 months ago

Answer 2


A = a^2+ab+b^2-a-2b


a = u-v
b = u+v

A = a^2+ab+b^2-a-2b


=2u^2+2v^2+u^2-v^2 -u+v-2u-2v


=3(u-\dfrac{1}{2} )^2-\dfrac{3}{4}+(v-\dfrac{1}{2} )^2-\dfrac{1}{4}

=3(u-\dfrac{1}{2} )^2+(v-\dfrac{1}{2} )^2-1


When u = \dfrac{1}{2} and v = \dfrac{1}{2} , that is, a = 0, b=1

a^2+ab+b^2-a-2b has minimum value of -1

Steven Zheng posted 4 months ago

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