Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

What is the maximum value of |e^{iθ}-2| + |e^{iθ}+2| for 0\leq θ \leq 2\pi?

  1. ×


  2. ×


  3. 2\sqrt{5}

  4. ×


Collected in the board: Imaginary number

Steven Zheng posted 16 minutes ago


  1. Absolute of a complex number or modulus is defined as

    |a+bi| = \sqrt{a^2+b^2}

    e^{iθ} = \cosθ +i\sinθ

    Let x = |e^{iθ}-2| + |e^{iθ}+2|


    x=\sqrt{(\cosθ+2)^2+\sin^2θ} +\sqrt{(\cosθ-2)^2+\sin^2θ}

    =\sqrt{5+2\cosθ} +\sqrt{5-2\cosθ}

    Squaring both sides of the equation gives

    x^2 = 10+2\sqrt{5^2-4\cos^2θ}

    which shows x has maximum value when \cosθ=0. Then we have,

    x_{max}^2 = 20

    x_{max} = 2\sqrt{5}

    Therefore, C is the right choice.

Steven Zheng posted 15 minutes ago

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