Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

A positive integer is subtracted from its square. Which of the following could be the units digit of the final result?

  1. ×


  2. ×


  3. ×


  4. 6

  5. ×


Collected in the board: Number Theory

Steven Zheng posted 1 week ago


  1. Units digit refers to the digit in the one's place of the number. The question is asking which of the number above is the units digit of the difference of the square of a number and the number itself.

    Let's have the following test

    1^2-1 = 0

    2^2-2 = 2

    3^2-3 = 6

    4^2-4 = 12

    It turns out 6 is the units digit of the difference of the square of 3 and 3.

Steven Zheng posted 1 week ago

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