
The depressed cubic equation x^3 +px + 28=0 has three distinct roots. Two of these roots sum to 2. Find the the value of p.

Collected in the board: Algebraic equation

Steven Zheng posted 3 weeks ago

Answer 1

Let r_1,r_2 and r_3 be the three roots of the equation. of which r_1+r_2=2

Then we have the following two equations.

r^3_1 +pr_1 + 28=0


r^3_2 +pr_2 + 28=0

Addition of the two equations gives


Apply the sum of cubes identity and collect like terms r_1+r_2


Construct a perfect square (r_1+r_2)^2


Substitute the value of r_1+r_2


Symplifying gives


On the other hand, the following two equations are established according to Vieta's formula


r_1r_2r_3 = -28

Substituting the value of r_1+r_2 results in

r_3 = -2


r_1r_2 = 14

Substituting the value of r_1r_2 to (1) yields the final result.

p = 3\times14-32 = 10

Steven Zheng posted 3 weeks ago

Answer 2

Using the Vieta's formula, the third root could be determined


r_1r_2r_3 = -28

Substituting the value of r_1+r_2 results in

r_3 = -2

And then substitute r_3 to the cubic equation



Solve for p

p = 10

Steven Zheng posted 3 weeks ago

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