Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

The square root of 222.01 is exactly

  1. ×


  2. ×


  3. ×


  4. ×


  5. ×


Collected in the board: Square of numbers

Steven Zheng posted 4 months ago


  1. 14.9

    The ending digits is 9. Square of it will result in 1 as the ending digit, which is consistent with that of 222.01.

    E is the correct choice

  2. 14.3

    The ending digits is 3. Square of it will result in 9 as the ending digit, which is not the same as that of 222.01.

  3. 14.4

    The ending digits is 4. Square of it will result in 6 as the ending digit, which is not consistent with that of 222.01.

  4. 14.6

    The ending digits is 6. Square of it will result in 6 as the ending digit, which is not consistent with that of 222.01.

  5. 14.7

    The ending digits is 7. Square of it will result in 9 as the ending digit, which is not consistent with that of 222.01.

Steven Zheng posted 4 months ago

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