Definitions of units for electric resistance


The unit of electric resistance(symbol Ω). The ohm is the electric resistance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt, applied to these points, produces in the conductor a current of 1 ampere.


The electric resistance unit in the CGS system of electromagnetic units (symbo abΩ). 1 abohm is the resistance when the potential difference is 1 abvolt when a current is 1 abampere. One abohm equals 10-9 ohm.

EMU of resistance

The electric resistance unit in the CGS system of electromagnetic units, abohm (symbo abΩ). 1 abohm is the resistance when the potential difference is 1 abvolt when a current is 1 abampere. One abohm equals 10-9 ohm.

ESU of resistance

The electric resistance unit in the CGS system of electrostatic units, statohm (symbo statΩ). 1 statohm is the resistance when the potential difference is 1 statvolt when a current is 1 statampere. One statohm equals 8.987552 x 1011 ohm.


The electric resistance unit in the CGS system of electrostatic units (symbo statΩ). 1 statohm is the resistance when the potential difference is 1 statvolt when a current is 1 statampere. One statohm equals 8.987552 x 1011 ohm.

Quantized Hall resistance

Electric resistance constant originated from Quantum Hall effect. It is defined as h/e², in which h is planck's constant, e is elementary charge. It is about 25812.8 ohms