SI unit of electric conductance (symbol S). It was named after the German inventor and industrialist Ernst Werner von Siemens. It is the electric conductance between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of 1 volt, applied to these points, produces in the conductor a current of 1 ampere. It is the reciprocal of ohm.
The unit of conductance in the cgs electromagnetic system of units (symbol abS). 1 absiemens is the conductance when the potential difference is 1 abvolt when a current is 1 abampere. One absiemens is equivalent to 109 siemens .
The electric conductance unit in the CGS system of electrostatic units (symbo statS). 1 statsiemens is the conductance when the potential difference is 1 statvolt when a current is 1 statampere. One statsiemens equals 1.11265 x 10-12 siemens.