Definitions of units for electric current


The electric current unit in the CGS system of electromagnetic units (symbol abA). It is one abcoulomb (abC) of charge moving past a specific point per second. One abampere is equal to 10 amperes.


The SI base unit used to measure electrical currents (symbol A), is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross section, and placed 1 meter apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 x10-7 newton per meter of length.


The unit of electric current in the CGS system (symbol Bi), named after French physicist Jean Baptiste Biot. It is defined as that constant current intensity that, maintained in two infinitely long parallel rectilinear conductors of negligible cross section, 1 centimeter apart in a vacuum, would produce a force of 2 dynes per centimeter of length between them. 1 biot is 10 amperes.

EMU of current

The electric current unit in the CGS system of electromagnetic units, abampere (symbol abA). It is one abcoulomb (abC) of charge moving past a specific point per second. One abampere is equal to 10 amperes.

ESU of current

The unit of electric current in the cgs system of electrostatic units, statampere (symbol statA). It is one statcoulomb (statC) of charge moving past a specific point per second. One statampere equals 1/c (c is speed of light) or approximately 3.3356 x 10-10 ampere.


Derived unit of electric current in CGS sytem (symbol Fr/s). Frankin is the CGS unit of electric charge. Frankin per second is equivelent to the current of one statampere or approximately 3.3356 x 10-10 ampere.

gaussian electric current

The Gaussian unit system uses a mix of electrostatic and electromagnetic units. One gaussian electric current is statampere or approximately 3.3356 x 10-10 ampere.


The CGS unit of magnetomotive force (symbol Gi) with the same dimention with the unit of electric current. It was named for the English physicist and physician William Gilbert . One gilbert is equal to 10/4π = 0.795 775 ampere-turn or ampere.

siemens volt

Unit of electricl current expressed in other SI units (symbol S·V). Simens is the SI unit of electric conductance, defined as the ratio of electric current and potential.


The unit of electric current in the cgs system of electrostatic units (symbol statA). It is one statcoulomb (statC) of charge moving past a specific point per second . One statampere equals 1/c (c is speed of light) or approximately 3.3356 x 10-10 ampere.