The electric capacitance unit in the CGS system of electromagnetic units (symbol abF). It is the capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which there appears a potential difference of 1 abvolt when charged by a 1 abcoulomb of charge. One abfarad is equal to 109 farads.
SI derived unit of electric capacitance from its definition (symbol C/V). It is equivelent to farad.
The electric capacitance unit in the CGS system of electromagnetic units, abfarad (symbol abF). It is the capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which there appears a potential difference of 1 abvolt when charged by a 1 abcoulomb of charge. One abfarad is equal to 109 farads.
Unit of capacitance in the electrostatic CGS system of units, statfarad (symbol statF). It is the capacitance of a capacitor having a charge of 1 statcoulomb, and 1 statvolt of potential difference across the plates, which is equal to approximately 1.11265 × 10-12 farad.
The SI unit of capacitance (symbol F). The farad is the capacitance of a capacitor between the plates of which there appears a potential difference of 1 volt when it is charged by a quantity of electricity of 1 coulomb.
Unit of capacitance in the electrostatic CGS system of units (symbol statF). It is the capacitance of a capacitor having a charge of 1 statcoulomb, and 1 statvolt of potential difference across the plates, which is equal to approximately 1.11265 × 10-12 farad.